How Often Should You Change Your Mattress?
How often should you replace your mattress? Well, this question has been asked for ages, by many, and Mattress Mick has the answer! It is is an excellent idea to change your mattress at least once ever 5 years as it is important for your health.
What Are Mattresses Made Of?
Let us start by talking about what mattress are made of. A mattress is made up of several layers that are designed to support your body.
These layers are typically made from cotton, latex, foam, or foam. The materials are designed to control moisture and provide support. You should change your mattress if the material starts to break down or if the mattress has started to sag.
The most common types are innerspring, memory foam, and latex. Innerspring mattresses use metal coils that heat up and cool down as they are compressed.
All of these mattresses are compressed many times a night and are subject to extreme changes in temperature. So, if you sleep on an innerspring mattress, you will compress it.
Why You Should Get A Mattress Equivalent To The Size Of Your Bed
The longer you sleep on your mattress, the more you risk developing a number of health problems related to the mattress.
These problems can include neck and back pain, sore muscles, headaches, and even back problems. This is because you are laying on a mattress that weighs far too much for one person to have to carry around, and the pressure on your back will cause a number of problems over time.
When you buy a mattress, it is important to consider the size of the bed you sleep in as that will determine the amount of time you should expect the mattress to last based on your daily activities.
Factors That Determine The Lifespan Of A Mattress
There are many factors that can make or break a mattress. If you’re sleeping on a box spring, the box spring will become soggy.
This leads to the mattress becoming damp and will start to rot. When you’re sleeping on a mattress, you have to make sure that you take your mattress out of the box and put it on the floor from time to time.
However, the biggest factor is the type of mattress you sleep on. A mattress that is stuffed with multiple layers of cotton or cotton and polyester is a bad choice for mattress longevity, especially when you consider that the cotton is prone to breaking down and losing its elasticity over time.
A mattress that is stuffed with multiple layers of latex, on the other hand, is much more durable because it is filled with a natural material that does not break down. Most mattress companies even state the average lifespan of their mattresses in their warranties.
What Is The Average Longevity Of A Mattress?
The average mattress life span is somewhere between 5-10 years. That means that you should change your mattress every 5-10(max) years.
You can do this by simply replacing it with a new mattress. But, you should be a little more frequent if your child is not growing, if your child is putting weight on the mattress, or if your mattress is starting to sag and become worn. A new mattress is a great way to extend the life of your existing mattress.
They are designed to last a long time, but due to the fact that mattresses are made out of many different materials, they can break down or even become less comfortable over time.
While some manufacturers recommend replacing your mattress every 7-10 years, when possible we recommend that you change your mattress every three years.
It can take up to four months to find a replacement mattress, so it is important to wait until the end of the warranty to have your mattress replaced. This is why it is a good idea to get a good mattress from a renowned company like us!
If you are looking for help finding the perfect mattress, you can be sure we will help you at Mattress Mick's. See www.mattressmick.ie